In-Space Missions Limited announces acquisition by BAE Systems

In-Space Missions has announced that it will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of BAE Systems with immediate effect.
In-Space Missions was founded in 2015 and is based in Hampshire with more than 30 employees. It designs, builds and operates bespoke physical and digital customer space missions, providing a service to customers keen to get their technology on orbit quickly. It also recently launched a ‘rideshare’ satellite in June this year, ‘Faraday Phoenix’ combining six satellites into one spacecraft – allowing customers to take a ‘slot’ on board rather than having to build and manage an entire spacecraft and launch for themselves. This saves time and is more cost effective and sustainable.
BAE Systems already has specialist space technologies in waveforms, electronics, antennas and digital signal processing and analytics. The acquisition of In-Space Missions allows BAE Systems to integrate this technology into complete satellites and operate them in orbit allowing it to combine a range of space capabilities that help deliver information advantage, multi-domain operations and networking for customers. BAE Systems’ experience in highly secure satellite communications will complement In-Space Missions’ full lifecycle satellite capability to make a unique sovereign UK space offer.
Science Minister Amanda Solloway, said:
”This acquisition is a great vote of confidence in our thriving space sector.
By bringing on board the expertise of In-Space Missions, BAE Systems will help to expand the UK’s capabilities in low earth orbit satellites, creating valuable export opportunities, while keeping this country at the forefront of a new commercial space age.
Amanda SollowayScience Minister
Damian Hinds, MP for East Hampshire, said:
”The acquisition of In-Space Missions by BAE Systems is excellent news for the development of the space sector in East Hampshire. It will stimulate employment and innovation in the area and support the further growth of an already thriving UK space sector.
Damian HindsMP for East Hampshire
Doug Liddle, CEO of In-Space Missions, said:
”This agreement means In-Space Missions will maintain its small company culture while leveraging the tremendous scale and new opportunities offered by BAE Systems. We’re already collaborating on new highly secure satellite applications and beyond that, we’re really excited about how this agreement will underpin our growth as an ambitious, UK-owned, prime and service provider.
Doug LiddleCEO - In-Space Missions
Tony Holt, CTO of In-Space Missions, said:
”This is an exciting and transformational moment, bringing together the like-minded talents of the two organisations to create something very special. Over the next few years we will realise our commercial ambitions in new digital services, enabled by software defined ultra-wide band technologies and distributed apertures.
Tony HoltCTO - In-Space Missions
The Low Earth Orbit satellite market is estimated at $2.2bn (£1.58bn) according to the Business Research Company (, with strong annual growth. By acquiring In-Space Missions, which specialises in LEO satellites, BAE Systems is able to invest in developing LEO satellites as a sovereign capability, presenting a significant export opportunity for the UK.
Ben Hudson, Chief Technology Officer at BAE Systems, said:
”The UK has an opportunity to be a global player in the growing low earth orbit space market, as well as servicing its own sovereign defence and commercial needs. This acquisition will allow us to combine a range of space capabilities that help deliver information advantage, multi-domain operations and networking for our customers. We look forward to welcoming the In-Space Missions team to BAE Systems.
Ben HudsonCTO - BAE Systems
About In‐Space Missions Limited:
In‐Space Missions Limited is a company of world‐class experts who design, build and operate bespoke physical and digital customer missions, providing a valuable service to customers keen to get their technology into orbit quickly. Based in Alton, UK, their experienced staff work with a new space approach which enables a significant reduction in traditional timescales to get technology on orbit.